LONG SUTTON & WELLParish Council

Lengthsman Scheme

The term 'Lengthsman' dates back to the 1800's, referring to workers who were responsible for keeping a particular length of road neat and tidy.

The scheme, first trialled by Hampshire County Council in 2010 with just 10 parish councils, funds a local 'lengthsman' to carry out straightforward highways maintenance tasks requested by the local parish council and now includes 136 parishers covering more than half of Hampshire.

Long Sutton & Well's Lengthsman Scheme falls within the Newnham 'cluster' and an Associate Parish Agreement, which runs from 1st April 2022 to 31 March 2023, will shortly be in place.  The Lengthsman Scheme is managed by Cllr Mark Bartlett (mark.bartlett@longsutton.com)

The Scheme allows Long Sutton & Well access to £1,000 of labour hours (£22.00 per hour 2021/22) under the Lengthsman Scheme.  

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